Wednesday, December 11, 2013

The Great Train Robbery (1963 UK)

On August 8th, 1963, a group of 15 robbers boarded Royal Mail's traveling post office train. One member, of the few never identified, hit the train driver across the head with an iron bar. They were then able to seize $74 million in banknotes. The police were able to arrest 13 of the 15, by discovering their finger prints at their hideout in Buckinghamshire. One member, Ronnie Biggs escaped from prison after 15 months, running off to Australia and then to Brazil. Another member, Charlie Wilson, escaped and was living outside Montreal, where he was eventually found when his wife made a phone call to England, leading authorities to his location. The Great Train Robbery proved an incredible feat as $74 million was stolen without the use of guns. 

(train driver Jack Mills)

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