Thursday, December 5, 2013

Boston Museum Heist (1990 US)

On March 18, 1990, after St. Patrick's Day celebrations in Boston, the city experienced its biggest heist of all time, one of the biggest in history. Two men disguised as police officers knocked on the side entrance of the Museum at 1:00 AM and were let in by security guards whom they easily overpowered. It has been said that those doors are never opened for anyone knocking in the middle of the night, so as to why it was that night is unknown. They handcuffed and duct taped the guards in the basement as they went about their business. In a matter of 90 minutes, the robbers stole over $300 million worth of art. These included paintings by Rembrandt, Vermeer, Flinck, Degas, and Manet. Many paintings were violently torn from their frames. The thieves took off with the museum's security tapes.

Here are images of the stolen art:

Rembrandt, The Storm on the Sea of Galilee Stolen from the Dutch Room. Oil on canvas, 161.7 x 129.8. cm. Inscribed on the rudder, REMBRANDT. FT: 1633. This is thought to be Rembrandt's only seascape painting. More information at the FBI Art Theft Program website.

Finial in the form of an eagle, French, 1813 -- 1814 Stolen from the Short Gallery. Gilt metal (bronze), approx. 10 in. tall. The finial originally sat on top of the pole support for a silk Napoleonic flag (next photo) which was not taken.

Degas, Three Mounted Jockeys Stolen from the Short Gallery. Black ink, white, flesh and rose washes, probably oil pigments, applied with a brush on medium brown paper, 30.5 x 24 cm. More information at the FBI Art Theft Program website.

Rembrandt, A Lady and Gentleman in Black Stolen from the Dutch Room. Oil on canvas, 131.6 x 109 cm. Inscribed at the foot, REMBRANDT. FT: 1633. More information at the FBI Art Theft Program website.

Rembrandt, self portrait Stolen from the Dutch Room. Etching, 1 3/4' x 2', (Postage Stamp size) More information at the FBI Art Theft Program website.

Vermeer, The Concert Stolen from the Durch Room. Oil on canvas, 72.5 x 64.7 cm. More information at the FBI Art Theft Program website.

Govaert Flinck, Landscape with An Obelisk Stolen from the Dutch Room. Oil on an oak panel, 54.5 x 71 cm. Inscribed faintly at the foot on the right; R. 16.8 (until recently this was attributed to Rembrandt). More information at the FBI Art Theft Program website.

Chinese bronze beaker or 'Ku', Chinese Shang Dynasty, 1200-1100 B.C. Stolen from the Dutch Room. Height of 10 ', diameter of 6 1/8', with a weight of 2 pounds, 7 ounces. More information at the FBI Art Theft Program website.

Degas, Program for an Artistic Soiree Stolen from the Short Gallery. Charcoal on white paper, 24.1 x 30.9 cm. More information at the FBI Art Theft Program website.

Degas, La Sortie du Pelage Stolen from the Short Gallery. Pencil and water color on paper, 10 x 16 cm. More information at the FBI Art Theft Program website.

Degas, Cortege aux Environs de Florence Stolen from the Short Gallery. Pencil and wash on paper, 16 x 21 cm. More information at the FBI Art Theft Program website.

Napoleonic banner This memento from the Napoleonic war used to have the eagle finial (previous photo) on it, but it was stolen in the heist.

Manet, Chez Tortoni Stolen from the Blue Room. Oil on canvas, 26 x 34 cm. More information at the FBI Art Theft Program website.

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