Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Securitas Depot Robbery (2006 UK)

On the 22nd of February 2006, The UK experienced its largest ever robbery. The manager of the Securitas Depot in the Western British county of Kent, Colin Dixon, was pulled over by what appeared to be a police officer. The police officer put him in his car, where other men handcuffed him. He was then driven to where he was transferred into a white van and driven to a remote location in Western Kent. Dixon's wife and 8 year old son were simultaneously being held hostage at their home, as more imposter police officers knocked on their door and held them at gunpoint. They were then driven to the location where Dixon was being held; he was warned that failure to cooperate placed his wife and child in danger. They then drove the family to the Securitas Depot at gunpoint, entered the facility, and bound all staff, proceeding to take what equals $92.5 million. The police arrived on the scene hours later to discover Dixon, his family, and staff physically unharmed.

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